This week I worked on procedurally generating hipped roofs
I initially thogutht I could arrange roof mesh segments to generate roofs, however, after looking at the meshes that came from asset packs I decided it would be better to programmatically generate a custom mesh. I used Unreal's Procedural Mesh Component.
I spent a couple of hours learning how to use the procedural mesh component, and adding a simple roof. I still have to break up the mesh for the large top roof so that it's more accurate(I started working on that this week but it's not complete yet). I also added a roof type variable to switch between a flat and hipped roof.
I spent the rest of my hours understanding how to UV the roof correctly. It was a subject that I didn't know a lot about and I still have some work left but I decided to focus on getting the top piece broken into smaller shapes first then fix the rest of the UV sections.
Next week, I will be working on making the roof more accurate and starting on adding decorations like trims and corner details.